Worked ok
I purchased the Gen 2 board back in 2019 and use is mainly early morning weekends. The board is great I did have to change the bushings for better feel and been running great. The only issue I have had was the original remote would not hold a charge and left me walking once. I ordered a replacement and went with the newer ergonomic model and have to say has been a great upgrade! Not only is it more comfortable and more natural but the breaking is far superior than the older model, it is not as sensitive and don’t have to focus as much when slowing down. Anytime I would let someone try is I would have to warn them of the sensitivity and usual it took them a while to get used to it. So far I am very impressed and glad the older gen 2 was not available. Pairing the remote was not as straight forward as the previous as I had to remove the top grip surface (6 screws if I remember) and press a reset / pairing button but then I was good to go. No issues with holding a charge and much more confident during sketchy conditions. I would highly recommend the upgrade for replacement or anyone who what better control when riding.
the new remote was better than my old one that broke! overpriced but i’m still glad I could easily pair the new remote to my board
It's a really great remote and love the design of it. The original design was a little flawed by putting the controls on a joy stick that broke of. Not even by taking a tumble. It was broke of in the house while moving it from one room to another. So I love the new design with the dial control on the side and out of harms way. With that being said. Great job on redesigning it. I'll give it the 5 star rating. 🌟
Love the feel of the new design! Definitely alot better than V1.
Beaucoup mieux que l'original . Le bouton qui roule avec le pouce est bien positionné et ne dépasse pas du boîtier donc je ne le fracasserai pas comme la premiere version avec le bouton sur le dessus.
Super bon service. Pour le Canada appeler directement parce que l'option Canada n'est pas sur le site mais la livraison est possible et pas plus cher. Appeller William.
I lost my old remote and had to order a new one. To my pleasant surprise the new remote is way better than the first one! It feels just more solid and the accelerator knob is in a better position. Much better design!
The new mechanical design feels good in the hand and I like the roller VS the previous joy stick. Would be nice to include instructions and not force web searches to figure out how to pair it with the board.
That said, the new remote says my speed now tops out at 21mph while the old remote was 23-24mph. The apparent speed reduction is a bit of a let down. Although I have not clocked/compared speed of the 2 remotes, I suspect 2-3mph difference is not just tolerance resolution and may be an effort to alleviate FET issues on the boards main circuit card. Side note, after my board was out of warranty and some of my FETS blew for the 2nd time, I replaced them all with higher voltage/improved components + new/improved controller chips & with no issues subsequently. Another side note: In an effort to increase the speed, in the new remote I raised the height of the hall effect sensor slightly to get it a bit closer to the magnet - output voltage increased a few tenths. While this did not unfortunately increase the speed, it did improve responsiveness a bit both with braking and acceleration. I did contact Halo regarding the speed reduction early on but did not receive a satisfactory answer - no solution or explanation. While I suspect this review may cause some consternation with the Halo team, I enjoy the ride and am generally still happy with the purchase (I've owned my board since Dec 2018).
My first remote broke when I crashed so I needed a replacement. Fits perfectly in the hand but breaking is a little different than the remote it originally came with. Overall good remote.